
How Does Tar in Cigarettes Affect Health?

Amount of Tar Cigarette tar refers to the toxic chemicals that are added during the production of tobacco cigarettes. Different cigarettes are given ratings based on the amount of tar they include. Cigarettes with the highest tar concentration have more than 22 mg of tar in each cigarette, while low-tar cigarettes have less than 7 mg in each. Tar can be found in a brown solid form at the end of a smoked cigarette. Coloring Effects Cigarette tar can show immediate health effects in terms of a smoker's appearance. The tar in cigarettes can stain smokers' teeth and turn them yellow and brown. In addition, cigarette tar can stain anything it touches brown, including a smoker's hands and clothing. Filters in tobacco cigarettes are intended to keep tar from exiting, but toxins still make it through and can leave a brown-yellow film behind. Major Health Effects The tar in tobacco cigarettes is a major cause of lung cancer, emphysema and bronchitis. The toxins from the t...

How Does Sodium Affect Health?

High blood pressure If you consume more than 2400 mg of sodium a day, you put yourself at risk for high blood pressure. This is because sodium-rich blood attracts water. This increases the volume of blood in your arteries which in turn increases your blood pressure. High blood pressure can put serious strain on your heart and lead to a heart attack or stroke. You're more likely to have these conditions if you're predisposed to hypertension or heart problems. Problem is it is hard to tell if you are predisposed, so everyone with a high sodium intake must consider himself or herself at risk. Stomach cancer Some studies, such as one published in the Annals of Oncology on July 31, 2008, also link high sodium intake to an increased risk of stomach cancer. This is thought to be due to sodium's relation to astrophic gastritis, a condition that causes inflammation and degeneration of the stomach's lining. This condition is often pre-cancerous. What to do Take stock o...

How to Lose Weight Fast - The Healthy Way

Most folks feel that losing weight is a daunting task and they are unsure of the best way to lose weight. If you need to lose weight fast, all you have to do is keep putting one foot in front of the other and dive into the weight loss process. Within a week or two you'll start feeling better and you will lose fat quickly. Here's the quickest way to lose weight fast - the healthy way: Instructions Don't eat products that contain white flour. The most important thing to do first is realize how many products you eat contain white flour. White flour is now your weight loss enemy and you must replace all white flour products with vegetables (preferably green leafy vegetables). Broccoli has protein and many health benefits so you can start with that, but don't forget the hundreds of other green leafy vegetables that are out on the market as well. Doing just this one step is the quickest way to lose weight fast - the healthy way. But wait, there's more. Stop eating su...

How Does Hypothyroidism Affect Health?

What the Thyroid Does The thyroid lies just below the Adam's apple in the neck. It is a butterfly-shaped gland that wraps around the windpipe. The primary function of the thyroid is to produce hormones that control metabolism. Since metabolism controls how we expend calories and energy, how well the thyroid functions directly affects a person's weight and ability to absorb food nutrients. Hypothyroidism When the thyroid produces the necessary amount of hormones all of these body processes function normally. When too little of the hormone necessary to support bodily functions is produced, the result is hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism can be the result of many factors, from radiation to surgical removal of the thyroid to a disorder called Hashimoto's disease. Whatever the cause, the affects of hypothyroidism are the same. When too little thyroid hormone is produced there are many health issues that follow. One develops a sensitivity to cold temperatures, as the body...

How Does Sports Benefit Your Health?

Physical Health Taking part in team and individual sports is a great way to get in shape and help prevent serious illnesses. According to a report from the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Sport for Development and Peace, sports provide an opportunity for young people to develop their bones, heart and lung function, and improve motor skills and coordination. For adults, regular physical activity can improve cardiovascular health and mobility. The accelerated pulse caused by vigorous sports activity can increase muscle strength, especially in the heart, which reduces the risk of heart and vascular disease. Sports also allow you to maintain a healthy weight, which can help control the onset of diabetes. Sports also increase your general body strength and overall health, making you less susceptible to colds and injuries to over-extension. Mental Health Sports do not just affect your physical health, but have a positive effect on your mental health as well. The exercise you ...

How to Use E-Health Cigarettes

E-Health cigarettes or electronic cigarettes provide a stimulatory sensation of nicotine and tobacco smoking without the harmful effects. Using E-Health cigarettes incorporates the use of an electronic cartridge and atomizer. Electronic cigarettes vaporize the small dose of nicotine provided by the device before it reaches the user's mouth and lungs. The aroma, feel and look of the E-Health cigarette can help smokers reduce and eliminate their addiction. Things You'll Need Charger Battery Power outlet USB port Show More Instructions Insert the lithium cigarette battery into the provided charger. Twist the battery in a clockwise motion for complete insertion. Plug the charger into an outlet. Observe the indicator lights on the charger. Notice that the flashing red lights indicate the charger is actively charging the battery. Unplug the charger and remove the battery when the blue light flashes. The blue light indicates charging is finished. Allow several hours for a...

How to Maintain Prostate Health Naturally

The prostate is a small male gland located just under the bladder and produces semen. Prostate disorders do not affect only elderly men but middle-aged males as well. Prostate health is extremely important, as prostate cancer and other related medical conditions are common among men. Promoting prostate health early through natural medicine can maintain a healthy prostate and avert surgery or pharmaceutical therapies with heavy side effects. Instructions Eliminate foods that have the tendency to absorb toxins from the environment, which can affect prostate health. These foods include animal-derived products such as dairy, red meat and eggs. Always include lots of natural fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet to promote a healthy well-balanced physical system. Fruit is imperative to prostate health, as fructose stimulates your body's production of vitamin D, which inhibits the growth of tumors. Include foods rich in antioxidants in your diet which can prevent prostate cancer...