How to Maintain Prostate Health Naturally

The prostate is a small male gland located just under the bladder and produces semen. Prostate disorders do not affect only elderly men but middle-aged males as well. Prostate health is extremely important, as prostate cancer and other related medical conditions are common among men. Promoting prostate health early through natural medicine can maintain a healthy prostate and avert surgery or pharmaceutical therapies with heavy side effects.


  • Eliminate foods that have the tendency to absorb toxins from the environment, which can affect prostate health. These foods include animal-derived products such as dairy, red meat and eggs. Always include lots of natural fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet to promote a healthy well-balanced physical system. Fruit is imperative to prostate health, as fructose stimulates your body's production of vitamin D, which inhibits the growth of tumors.
  • Include foods rich in antioxidants in your diet which can prevent prostate cancer and may even reduce the size of existing tumors. Foods high in antioxidants include tomatoes, watermelon, grapefruit and guava.
  • Take zinc supplements, a trace mineral that is often lacking from the average diet. The prostate gland uses more zinc than any other part of the body, and can alter the metabolism of steroid hormones, naturally reducing the enlargement of the prostate. Pumpkin seeds are naturally rich in zinc and should be added to your daily diet.
  • Treat prostate disorders that enlarge the gland by taking supplements of saw palmetto. Used for centuries by Native American Indians, studies have shown that saw palmetto lowers estrogen levels by inhibiting the production of DHT (dihydrotestosterone,) quickly reducing the size of the prostate. Follow the manufacturer's directions for dosage information.
Tips & Warnings
  • Once you reach the age of 40, you should see a doctor for regular check-ups that include examination of the prostate.
  • If you suspect that you have a prostate condition or have been diagnosed, it is important that you review all treatment options with your doctor.


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